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Model instance methods

import { BaseModel } from 'mobx-model';

class Post extends BaseModel {

    static attributes = {
        title: ''

    static relations = [
            type: 'hasMany',
            relatedModel: 'Comment'



Set method is used to update model instance's attributes, its relations and attributes of relations recursively. If relation had a reverseRelation property defined or set to true then this model instance will be made available at reverseRelation.propertyName

let json = {
    comments: [
            id: 1,
            content: 'nice post!'
    post: {
        id: 1,
        title: 'new title',
        comment_ids: [1]

let post = Post.get(1);
post.set({ modelJson: json.post, topLevelJson: json });


option type description
modelJson object Json with model's attributes. It can contain either ids of relations deisgnated by the relation foreignKey property, or embedded json for relations designated by jsonKey property in relation config
topLevelJson object When looking up relations referenced by ids topLevelJsonKey relation config property is used to find object in topLevelJson that contains related objects

model.urlRoot, model.jsonKey

Just couple of shorthand methods that returns prefix for model's RESTful methods and model's key to find its attributes in JSON. Both methods are usually used in server actions

class Post extends BaseModel {

    update(attributes = {}) {
      return API.request({
        method: 'put',
        data: attributes,
        endpoint: `${this.urlRoot}/${this.id}`,
        onSuccess: (response) => {
            let json = response.body;
          this.set({ modelJson: json[this.jsonKey] });



This is a hook called when model instance is initialized. Redefine it in your models to add functionality to each model instance, such as custom observable attribute

class Model extends BaseModel {
    onInitialize() {
        this.observableMeta = observable({
            action: null,
            someStuff: null


This is a shorthand method that calls all methods listed below — removeSelfFromCollection, destroyDependentRelations, removeSelfFromRelations. It does all cleanup that is neccessary when model is being destroyed.


Removes this model instance from collection of cached models of this class


Finds relations that have onDestroy: 'destroyRelation' config option and calls onDestroy method on those relations, removing them from model cache.


Finds relations that have onDestroy: 'removeSelf' config option set (which is default) and removes this model instance from those relation model instances