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Defining relations

To use relations you must extend BaseModel class and add static relations property

import { BaseModel } from 'mobx-model';

class Post extends BaseModel
  static relations = [
      type: 'hasMany',
      relatedModel: 'Comments'

Relation config options

Note that if config option has a default it can be ommitted when declaring relations. Note that defaults are dynamic, so that you can incrementally override defautls as you need.

option type default description
type string Can be hasOne or hasMany. An observable property defined by propertyName will be added to instance of model. If relation is hasMany an observable array will be added
relatedModel string Name of the model that will be supplied to getModel method to get related model class. We need this due to circular dependency problem when models refer to each other
propertyName string relatedModel with lowercased first letter for hasOne and is further pluralized for hasMany Name of the property that will be set on model instance. For example if model is Post and relatedModel is BestComment then when relation is hasOne propertyName defaults to bestComment. When relation is hasMany it defaults to bestComments and can be later accessed with post.bestComments
jsonKey string uderscored propertyName Is used to get relation json from provided model json. When propertyName is bestComments relation json by default is expected to be under best_comments key, and when propertyName is bestComment then it defaults to best_comment
topLevelJsonKey string tableized propertyName Is used to get relation json from normalized array of objects in top level. if propertyName is bestComments than by default top level json must have best_comments key that is an array of objects
foreignKey string foreign key derived from propertyName Used to look up relation ids in model json, that later will be used to find relation json in top level defined by topLevelJsonKey. If propertyName is bestComment and relation type is hasOne then foreignKey defaults to best_comment_id. If propertyName is bestComments and relation type is hasMany then foreignKey defaults to best_comment_ids
setMethodName string set + singularized propertyName with uppercased first letter Name of the instance method to set related model, for Post that hasMany Comment it will default to setComment
removeMethodName string remove + singularized propertyName with uppercased first letter Name of the instance method to remove related model, for Post that hasMany Comment it will default to removeComment
reverseRelation boolean or object false If set to true or to an object then related model will have a property defined by reverseRelation.propertyName be set to this model instance. E.g. Post that hasMany Comment and reverseRelation: true will make comment.post available if Post relation is also set for Comment as hasOne relation

Reverse relation config options

option type default description
onDestroy string removeSelf Can be removeSelf or destroyRelation. Defines what needs to be done when relation is destroyed. When option is removeSelf this model will be removed from reverse relation, e.g. a comment will be removed from list of comments for a post. When it is set to destroyRelation then related model will be destroyed when this model is destroyed, e.g. when deleting a post we can delete all related comments.
propertyName string this model's name with lowercased first letter {roperty name to set or remove on reverse relation. If Post has Comment then defaulP reverseRelation.propertyName will be post. Note that it should be singular even for hasMany relations
setMethodName string set + reverseRelation.propertyName with uppercased first letter Instance method name on related model to set reverse relation. For Post that hasMany Comment it will default to setPost
removeMethodName string remove + reverseRelation.propertyName with uppercased first letter Instance method name on related model to remove reverse relation. For Post that hasMany Comment it will default to removePost